//Ensure Safety with D-Lead® Paint Test Kits

Ensure Safety with D-Lead® Paint Test Kits

At Parker Safety Group, we understand the critical importance of detecting lead-based paint in various structures to ensure safety and compliance. That’s why we offer a range of lead paint test kits, including the highly reliable D-Lead® Paint Test Kit. Our test kits are designed to quickly and accurately determine the presence of lead in paint, providing test results in minutes. Whether you’re testing structural steel, aluminum, concrete, or other materials, our D-Lead® Paint Test Kit is an essential tool for maintaining a safe environment.

The D-Lead® Paint Test Kit, available in boxes of either 7 tests or 24 tests, is renowned for its precision and ease of use. This kit requires only a small 3/16″ sample, and the provided sampling tool ensures improved precision and easy clean-up. Additionally, D-Wipe® Prep Towels are included to reduce the chance of contamination, making the process even more reliable. According to testing by the EPA’s ETV Program, the D-Lead® Paint Test Kit is the most accurate test available for detecting lead and lead chromate coatings in a variety of settings, including bridges, water towers, ships, and gas storage tanks.

By choosing Parker Safety Group’s lead paint test kits, you are investing in the highest quality and most reliable testing methods on the market. Our products help you ensure compliance with safety regulations and protect the health of your workers and the public. Explore our selection of lead safety protection products today and take a proactive step towards a safer environment.

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2024-12-17T15:56:34+00:00June 25th, 2024|Categories: Lead Paint Safety Protection Products|Tags: , |